Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blog Post #1

In Regards to EDM310......

     EDM310 is a class I know little about, yet I have heard a lot about.  Rumors and stories about good times and bad times.  Mostly, I have heard that it is a whole lot of work but is very rewarding in the end.  A coworker took the class a couple semesters ago and they advised me to obtain some sort of Apple product or to make sure that someone in my group has an Apple product.  They also warned me to drop as much of everything else I can because this is a highly intensive and demanding class. Others have warned me to always be on time and put forth effort, no matter how unqualified or confused I feel!
     Even though all of these things seem to have been validated during the first class session, I am not that afraid of EDM310.  I'm thinking of it as just another class that I need in order to become a good educator.  If I have to pick something to be worried about, it would be the sheer volume of work needed for this class.  I do work part-time, and am taking 6 classes this semester.  So I am very nervous about being able to finish everything with the quality of work I usually expect from myself.  However, dropping a class or quitting my job isn't an option so I will have to discipline myself and learn to manage my time better.  I'll have to learn these skills eventually so I might as well perfect them now.
      EDM310 is going to be like none of the other classes I have taken, in high school or college.  Looking back on my high school career, I realize how much of a joke it was compared to college classes.  The only thing I can compare my high school classes with that of EDM310 is the group work.  There was a lot of that in high school, but I have a sneaky suspicion that it was simply because teachers would have less things to grade.  I believe EDM310's group work will be different, I think it will be highly beneficial-mainly so we can all help each other keep up with the work that is due.  I have had one team based learning class in college, but we really only had one group project and simply worked together in class for discussions.  I hope this EDM310 class has better groups than that Literature class did!
     I think the most difficult thing for me in EDM310 is going to be simply keeping up with everything.  I have always struggled with organization and timing in regards to any kind of school work.  I hope this class will force me to get a tighter grip on that though, and allow me to better skills that I know will be important for use in a classroom setting.
     The best way for me to address this "difficult aspect" is to just be better disciplined.  I love the idea of the checklist and I have already printed it out and am utilizing it.  I purchased a daily planner so I can keep track of everything and when I need to have things done and turned in.  I'm going to keep up with everything and do things on time, early if I can!
       I don't have any questions about EDM310 right now.  I'm just ready to get started! As soon as I have questions though, I will email and ask away! Never hurts to ask!


  1. Hi Katy! :)

    I was just looking through your blog and noticed you didn't have a picture on this one! I just figured out how to add ALT/Title modifiers to them, so if you want me to, in class Wednesday, I can show you how! Your blog post is really good and I think we have some of the same fears as far as time management goes. I think working full time/part time with this class is going to be our most difficult situation to get through, but I know that if we help each other out, we will be fine.

    See you in class Wednesday and good luck this semester! I'm sure you'll do great!


  2. Hi Katy,
    My name is Chelsea it is nice to meet you! Great Post! From past experience I can say you definitely have to be very disciplined and organized with your assignments. I think that is so awesome that you have played the role as Ms. Pots. I also seen where you are from Ireland, I have always wanted to visit there. I look forward to EDM 310 this semester.
